How Assistance Works

Streamlining our patient’s specialty pharmacy experience with unmatched full-service convenience

  • 1. Check Your Coverage/Benefits Verification

    Our team of expert billers finds the best avenues of coverage that minimize out-of-pocket costs.

  • 2. Transfer Prescription to AmeriPharma®

    We process your prescription by working with your previous pharmacy or prescriber, making the transition quick and easy.

  • 3. Prior Authorization

    Our team of specialists obtains approval from your insurance companies within 24 to 72 hours.

  • 4. Copay Assistance & Financial Aid

    We secure financial aid and decrease copays, out-of-pocket expenses, and high deductibles. To date, AmeriPharma® Specialty Care has secured $55 million in financial assistance for our patients.

  • 5. Nursing Care Coordination

    AmeriPharma® puts your schedule and home environment first when scheduling and coordinating one of our specialized nurses for your in-home infusions.

  • 6. Delivery Coordination

    Medications are always delivered in strict compliance with the specific requirements for shipping. Next-day and overnight cold-chain deliveries are coordinated around your schedule.

What Is Glatiramer?

Glatiramer acetate, known by its brand names Copaxone and Glatopa, is a drug used to treat multiple sclerosis (MS) and its other relapsing forms. It is an immunomodulator and works by suppressing the body’s immune system.

The drug is a synthetic polypeptide made up of four amino acids. These amino acids are also present in myelin, the insulating material covering our nerve cells. It is given as a once-daily injection.

Glatiramer is a well-tolerated medication. It is used to reduce the frequency of MS relapses and slow the progression of the disability. The drug doesn’t completely treat MS, but it decreases its development.

Patients allergic to glatiramer or its components should not take the medication. The drug should be used with caution in pregnancy and breastfeeding. It should only be used after consulting a doctor.

Similarly, patients with an active infection should seek expert medical help before taking glatiramer.

What Is Glatiramer Used For?

Glatiramer is an FDA-approved drug used for treating relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS), clinically isolated syndrome, and secondary MS.

The drug reduces the frequency and severity of multiple sclerosis relapses and slows the progression of the disease. In some cases, it may improve physical functioning and quality of life.

How Is Glatiramer Used?

Glatiramer is usually administered as an injection, typically once a day or once every other day. The injection is commonly given into the fatty tissue below the skin. The administration site should be switched between different body areas, such as the upper arm, thigh, or abdomen.

The dose of glatiramer is determined by the doctor, depending on the patient’s age, weight, medical history, and response to the drug.

Patients should follow the doctor’s instructions for taking glatiramer.

Copay and Financial Assistance

AmeriPharma™ Specialty Pharmacy alleviates financial burdens for patients and their families

  • Advanced software locates funding sources to match you with top-dollar foundation programs

  • One of our copay assistance specialists will assist with the application process

  • Automatic updates will be sent to you and your physician on the status of the funding

Dose of Glatiramer

Usually, the dose of glatiramer is defined by the patient’s weight, age, and other factors. However, below is the recommended usual dose of glatiramer.

Adult Dose For Multiple Sclerosis

In adult patients with MS, the 20 mg dose of glatiramer is given once a day. In contrast, a 40 mg dose is given three times a week.

The drug is available in vials and prefilled syringes and should be given only via a subcutaneous route. The FDA has not approved this drug for patients under the age of 18 years.

Strength of Glatiramer

Glatiramer is available in two types of dosing strengths:

  • 20 mg/ml
  • 40 mg/ml

Both of these doses are given subcutaneously. Glatiramer 20 mg/ml and 40 mg/ml formulations are not interchangeable.

Insurances Accepted

We accept Medicare, multi-state Medicaid, Medi-Cal, Blue Shield, and most private insurances. Call us to find out more about your coverage.

  • Medicaid logo

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How Much Can You Save?

Speak with a copay assistance specialist

(877) 778-0318

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